نسخة الميكروتيك الجديدة وترقية الروتر بورد Mikrotik V6.3 New 750gl


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تقدر تشوف الفيديو ده وتتابعه ...

شركة ميكروتيك بتاريخ 3/9/2013 نزلت تحديث جديد للروتر بورد معالج للعديد من الاخطاء والجديد النهاردة فى النسخة

  • What's new in 6.3 (2013-Sep-03 12:25):

    *) ssh - fixed denial of service;
    *) traceroute - show mpls labels as well;
    *) bug fix - sometimes some new interfaces could not be created properly any more (f.e. some pppoe clients could not connect);
    *) console - added '/console clear-history' command that clears command-line
    history for all users, requires 'policy' policy;
    *) sstp - limit packet queue for each device;
    *) RB2011L - fixed occasional gigabit switch-chip lockup;
    *) user manager - will warn on 1MB and stop before reaching minimum of 500KB disk space;
    *) hotspot - do not account traffic to local hotspot pages;
    *) ppp, hotspot - added ability to specify where to insert rate limiting queue,
    it's parent and type;
    *) pptp, l2tp, sstp - allow to specify server via dns name;
    *) dhcp - added ability to specify where to insert rate limiting queue;
    *) www proxy - support ipv6 parent proxy;
    *) webfig - fixed problem when opening quickset page country
    was automaticly changed to etsi;
    *) traceroute - added mtr like pinging;
    *) fix queues - correct queue was not installed when last child removed;
    *) fix simple queues - sometimes some simple queues would stop
    working after configuration changes;
    *) console - fixed issue with local variables having non-empty value
    before first assignment;
    *) console - fixed command ":global name" without second argument to not
    create or change global variable "name", only effect is to make "name"
    refer to global variable.
    *) console - fixed passing local variables as argument to function;
    *) RB1200 - fixed crash when receiving over l2mtu size packets
    on some ethernet interfaces;

الفيديو الكامل

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