review airlive AP60 Wireless Access Point,firmware, eu,Wireless N,PoE Access Point 1W بقوة 1 وات اقوى من البيكو استيشن وارخص يكتيييير وفى الاستقبال رهيب برمجة واعدادات ايرلايف

اول شرح عربى للجهاز التايوانى الاصلى اير لايف يحمل رقم اكسس بوينت 60

الاكسس يعمل بقدرة 1 وات

سيضاهى البيكو استيشن فى قوة الاشارة ويزيد عليه بالمود b+g+n

فى الاستقبال يتخطى حاجز 2 كيلو ويزيد

سعره رخيص طبعا من 400 الى 450 جنيه

يرجى اولا مراجعة الموضوع الهام جدا ده..تفضل

رفع باور ايرلايف الى 29 ديبى 1 وات كامل ليعمل اقوى من

 البيكو وتشغيل قناة 14 

airlive ap 60

airlive ap60

airlive ap 60 firmware

airlive ap 60 -eu

airlive ap 60 review

review airlive AP60 Wireless Access 

Point,firmware,-eu,Wireless-N,PoE Access Point 1W

AP60 Wireless-N PoE Access Point 1W

برمجة واعدادات ايرلايف ap60

نتعرف على مميزات الجهاز

ver since AirLive introduced the world’s first multi-function AP in 2002, the AirLive access

 points have been renowned for their reliability, performance, and rich features. The AP60 is

 the latest entry following this heritage with breakthrough performance, features, and


Wireless-b/g/n Long Range Radio

The AP60 features a long range 11b/g/n radio that can deliver up to 20 dBm Output Power in

 EU. In addition, it has maximum throughput of 150Mbps and is completely backward

 compatible with 11g/b devices.

Passive PoE and 4-LAN Ports

Despite of its small housing, AirLive managed to put 4-LAN ports into the AP60. One of the

 ports also function as passive PoE port and WAN port. The passive PoE port can accept

 passive PoE input from 12 to 24Volts so you can use AirLive’s POE-FSH8PW switch or POE-

 1P passive PoE kits to install the AP60 away from power source

IP Finder Management

The AirLive AP60 works with AirLive IP Finder Utility. Therefore, you can manage AirLive IP

 Cameras and AP60 together in the simple to use utility. You can discover the AP and IP

 Cameras, then change IP, password, SSID, and encryption

Multiple SSID, Tag VLAN and LAN/WAN Access Control

You can create up to 5 virtual APs using AP60's Multiple SSID feature. In addition, each SSID

 and LAN port can set up different Tag VLAN ID and priority. Best yet, each SSID can be set

 to have different access right to LAN and WAN port. For example, you can set the "Guest

 wireless network to only have Internet Access and no access to your local LAN network

 Then set your wireless IPCAM network to have higher priority. This is a very powerful and

 useful feature not found in ordinary AP.

AirLogic Interface 9 Wireless Modes

The AP60 features the easy to use AirLogic interface that is standard on all AirLive AP, so

 you can get started easily. In addition, 9 wireless modes are featured so you AP can work in

 different application environments.

Wireless Scheduling and Green AP

With the wireless scheduling feature, you can pre-configure the AP-60 before you leave


office or home, so when the time is up, the AP60 will start to execute the routine jobs

 automatically, it will reduce the power loading and save your bill. The AP60 is also a green

 AP which only use about half the power consumption comparing to other APs in the same


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