السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اعضاء المدونة الكرام
هاتسمعوا كثيرا جدا عن الاكسس بوينت تى بى لينك 740 وليست 741
دى مالهاش شرح على الانترنت فى كيفية التعامل
الشرح اللى هاتشوفوه ده شامل لكل مايلى
(1) تشغيل الاكسس كأرسال بداخل المنزل ووضع حماية قوية وباسورد يستحيل اختراقه
(2) كيفية رفع السوفت المتطور للعمل بوضعية (كلاينت استقبال + بريدج + اكسس بوينت)
(3) كيفية تسطيب وبرمجة الاكسس على وضعية الاستقبال باحترافية تامة
(4)كيفية العودة للسوفت الاصلى بعد تحويل الاكسس الى المتطور
من الاخر درس جبار احترافى فى التعامل مع الاكسس
عاوزين نعرف الاول معلومات عن الاكسس من موقعه نفسه
What This Product Does
The TL-WR740N is a combined wired/wireless network connection device integrated with internet-sharing router and 4-port switch. The wireless N Router is 802.11b&g compatible based on 802.11n technology and gives you 802.11n performance up to 150Mbps at an even more affordable price. Bordering on 11n and surpassing 11g speed enables high bandwidth consuming applications like video streaming to be more fluid. You can enjoy a high quality experience when video streaming, VoIP, or online gaming wirelessly, with traditional g products was never very practical, from anywhere in your entire home.
Exceptional Wireless Performance with Affordable Price
TP-LINK TL-WR740N is a high speed solution that compatibles with IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Based on N technology, TL-W740N gives you 802.11n performance up to 150 Mbps at an even more affordable price, 9X the speed and 4x the range of traditional 11g products.
Bordering on conventional 11N and surpassing 11G performance enabling high bandwidth-consuming application, such as video streaming, using VoIP, or online gaming, wirelessly which, with traditional g products was never very practical, from anywhere in your entire home. Enjoy N Power, G Price!
CCA Technology - Stable Wireless Signals
Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) automatically avoids channel conflicts using its clear channel selection feature and fully realizes the advantages of channel binding, greatly enhanced the wireless performance.
QSS Button - Quick Setup Security (WPS Compatible)
Compatible with WI-FI Protected Setup™ (WPS), TL-WR740N features Quick Security Setup that allows users to almost instantly setup their security simply by pressing the "QSS" button automatically establishing a WPA2 secure connection, which is more secure compared with WEP encryptions. Not only is this faster than normal security setups but more convenient in that you don't need to remember a password!
WPA / WPA2 Encryptions - Advanced Security
As for the security of WI-FI connection, WEP encryption has been no longer the strongest and safest guards for outside threats. TL-WR740N provides WPA/WPA2 encryptions (Both Personal and Enterprises) that are created by the WI-FI Alliance industry group, promoting interpretabilities and security for WLAN.
IP QoS - Control Bandwidth Reasonably
Among the wireless network, indiscriminate Internet surfing and bandwidth-guzzling downloads by internal users often leave home or small office with insufficient bandwidth. TL-WR740N supports IP QoS function, allowing optimum utilization of bandwidth and offers bandwidth control over congestion, preventing the bandwidth abuse. In this way, the users of a small network receive committed and specific bandwidth, preventing non-critical applications from degrading network performance.
Easy to Setup
Allows even novice users to setup the router products without sacrificing any key features, just play the Setup CD to have your network set up quickly & hassle-free.
150Mbps Wireless N Router
150Mbps wireless data rates ideal for video streaming, online gaming and internet calling
Wireless security encryption easily at a push of QSS button
IP based bandwidth control allows administrators to determine how much bandwidth is allotted to each PC
WDS wireless bridge provides seamless bridging to expand your wireless network
Wireless speed up to 150Mbps
WDS wireless bridge provides seamless bridging to expand your wireless network
Wireless security encryption easily at a push of QSS button
Priority of service assures the quality of bandwidth sensitive applications such as voice and video
Supports SPI firewall and access control management
Supports WPA/WPA2 encryptions
Seamlessly compatible with 802.11b/g/n devices
لو دخلت على اللينك ده هاتشوف الاكسس كانه عندك
والان شاهد الدرس فيديو كاملا بالصوت والصورة
والان تحميل السوفت المستخدم فى الشرح كاملا مجانا
سعر الاكسس حاليا من 170 الى 180 جنيه
تحياتى لكم
شادى سوفت
0 التعليقات لموضوع " شرح اعدادت تركيب كونفيجر اكسس تى بى لينك 740 TL-WR740N (ارسال -استقبال-اعادة بث) DDWRT TO TL-WR740N"
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