مقتطفات لأهم تويتات مشاهير العالم إثر وفاة مؤسس شركة آبل

إقتطفت لكم في هذه التدوية بعض تويتات مشاهير عالم التكنولوجيا والسياسة والموسيقى  إثر رحيل مؤسس شركة آبل ستيف جوبس إليكم ماذا قالوا عن الراحل 

Barack Obama: “Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. From all of us at #Obama2012, thank you for the work you make possible every day—including ours.”

Denise Richards: “So sad about Steve Jobs…my heart goes out to his family and loved ones.”

Kate Walsh: “God bless you, Steve Jobs. Rest in peace.”

Jimmy Fallon: “Thank you, Steve Jobs, for all of the fun and amazing ways you made our lives better…”

Kourtney Kardashian: “No way! Wow. Prayers to his family. RT Wow… Steve Jobs died!? Crazy. RIP.”

Brooke Burke: “So sad! My thoughts go out to his family.”

Alyssa Milano: “Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. You were always a big part of my world with your special inventions. Thank you for your brain.”

Eva Longoria: “My heart goes out for the family of Steve Jobs. What an inspiration he was to us all and a creative visionary for the world! You will be missed…”
Bill Gates: “For those of us lucky enough to get to work with Steve, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.”

Ian Somerhalder: “My heart and gratitude go out,like so many of us,to Steve Jobs and his family.You Sir are one of the greatest minds the world will ever see.”

Jimmy Fallon: “Thank you, Steve Jobs, for all of the fun and amazing ways you made our lives better…”
Diane Sawyer: “Some of the fire in the universe dimmed tonight. Steve Jobs, thank you for reminding us all what ambition+imagination can do #ThankYouSteve.”

تنويه : الصور والفيديوهات في هذا الموضوع على هذا الموقع مستمده أحيانا من مجموعة متنوعة من المصادر الإعلامية الأخرى. حقوق الطبع محفوظة بالكامل من قبل المصدر. إذا كان هناك مشكلة في هذا الصدد، يمكنك الاتصال بنا من هنا.

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